While at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL, I also completed a mini-headshot session! B is the owner of WickedDjinn Designs. She is a professional costumer, seamstress, hair and make-up artist. If you’re in the Midwest and looking for custom creations, let me know and I can send you her way.
I was very pleased with how her mini-headshots turned out. Absolutely stunning!
I also think the images below answer the question of glasses: to wear or not to wear. If you wear glasses on a regular basis and you don’t feel like yourself without them, wear the glasses in your photo sessions! Some people may tell you that it’s not stylish or the photos won’t turn out properly. I say BAH-HUMBUG! to them. If it’s something that’s a part of you, it should be there. If you don’t want to wear your glasses in your photos, that’s your decision and no one else’s. Personally, I’m an advocate for wearing glasses in your session. I wear both glasses and contacts myself, some days I wear my glasses, most days I wear my contacts. Whichever you choose to wear, the choice should be whatever is most comfortable for you. Okay, I’ll get off my soapbox now and let you enjoy the images.